Carla Ginobili
Carla Ginobili is General Coordinator at in2action where she integrates the different activities clients require, particularly regarding direct response and advertising support. She has helped with campaigns for UNFPA, UNICEF, Doctors without Borders, British Hospital, Manos Abiertas Aves Argentinas, among other organisations. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (UCA, Argentina) and a MA in International Politics and Human Rights (City University, London).
She has over 15 years experience working in the private sector, and has been working with the NGO sector as a volunteer and in paid positions both in Buenos Aires and London. Among the organisations she has been working for are Cáritas Argentina, Latin America Bureau UK, The Resource Alliance, UK.
She is an expert in sustainability issues with a wide experience in different business chambers where she has been coordinating private- public activities and with other organisations as well.
in2action People
Norma Galafassi
Santiago Sánchez Lockhart
Santiago is graphic designer and photographer specialized in working with NGOs’
Lazaro Maisler
Lazaro is an expert in start up organisations and integrated communication and fundraising campaigns
Carla Ginobili
We provide a wide range of services including market intelligence, fundraising and communications strategies and audits, strategic planning, creative campaigns development and production as well as training and content creation.